Friday, April 15, 2016

Are you, your employees and partners transferring “bad vibes” to customers?

Zig Ziglar, the renowned sales guru  says  that “selling is essentially a transfer of feelings”. Phillip Kotler takes it further and notes that The sales department isn’t the whole company, but the whole company better be the sales department”

What type of feelings are being transferred to your products or services as they are produced and / or processed? What about during delivery, installation and after sales?

What about the feelings transferred to the customers? What feeling does management transfer as they put together the  strategic plan and the  sales strategy? What about the sales managers as they plan and manage performance? What about Finance Managers as they invoice and collect debts? What about operations as they fulfill the orders?

Now to the key personnel in this function.. The sellers....What do they feel about the business and products /services they sell? What do they feel about their capabilities?  What feelings are they transferring to the customers before, during and after sales?

Would you buy from your business?

What if you were transferring positive feelings to your products and customers always?

You have products and services that have been lovingly produced with the customer’s needs in focus. Everyone who handles the products/ services   with great care while delivering, installing or servicing the same. The deliveries get to customer on time every time.

You are a most credible and reliable provider resulting in great image, repeat business and consequently more incomes. 
Your sales team is hitting the sales target more often which improves their earnings and improves retention.  The business is as a result making more money.

The team is more productive which results in less customer acquisition costs. Ultimately your bottom line (profit) is improving every year. You are now reinvesting in better systems as well as extending your geographical/ customer /industry coverage.

Rome was not build in a day--- take the first step to building a “World Class Sales System’ and the next step will be almost automatic

That one step usually has a ripple effect on other processes. I worked in a business where  a  change in one strategy drastically changed the  financial  results.

There is this business with a national coverage. In order to cover the whole market, the whole sales team would move from one region to the next. They would be in one region for a very short time before moving on to the next.  A slight tweak in strategy and the team was split and each assigned to different regions.

Though fewer in number, the  mini-teams had more time to cover the now smaller regions. The revenues coming from the regions increased significantly. I am sure the feelings transmitted were more positive with the new strategy.

The sellers were more relaxed which must have been transferred to the customers as well. They could now visit  more customers than previously and thus acquire more new customers!

Please register me in "My World Class Sales System" program. I am sending an email to; subject “My World Class Sales System” Program to enroll

 Are you wondering how you can set up this selling machine?

Join “ My  World Class Sales System” program  and
  • Know how to set your sales strategy that gets you above target
  • Learn how to plan for your best performance
  • Learn how you manage the sales performance such that you can track and gauge your progress
  • Boost your sales team confidence through a pre-call plan
  • Understand how you can to take charge of the sales presentation
  • Understand how you get the customers to sign that order!

Please register me in  “My World Class Sales System” Program. I am sending an email to; subject “My World Class Sales System” to enroll

This program is designed for Passionate Entrepreneurs who want to turn their business and partner network into one huge selling machine!

In this program, you will receive strategies on how to set up a selling machine that stretches within and outside the business
  • We have made it super simple and easy through a step by step process in each lesson
  • You will be involved in adapting the strategies to your scenario through the various exercises within the lesson
  • You have no choice but to get to work as you will work on strategies based on the lessons learned and share your queries via email with the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach every week for the six weeks 
  • You will not be alone as you strategise, implement, monitor, evaluate the strategies as you  get   support  from the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach
  • You will have access to a like-minded community of entrepreneurs in the members section where you meet, participate, learn, share experiences and motivate one another to higher performance. Who knows, you may even get new customers here!
  • Furthermore you immediately join   The Passionate Entrepreneurs Mastermind email newsletter where you get bi weekly tips on business success
  • Learning is a lifelong process and as such Did I say that   you will get updates on any new strategies added to the program posted on the members section? I just Did! 

.......And - we want results and as such, we will only admit limited number of students.

When you mean to work less, make more money and positively impact

Virginia Mburu
Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach

PS...Book your seat early as only limited vacancies available

PSS...You can also turn your business and partners into   one huge selling machine

Please register me in "My World Class Sales System" Program. I am Sending an email to; subject “My World Class Sales System” Program  to enroll

Why the last decision or action you procrastinated could be the last “weird” thing you will ever do

Do you find yourself delaying starting that report or project or even making a decision every so often?  Think of the last thing you procrastinated. Deep down in yourself, what thoughts were playing in your mind just before you put off that action?

Did you consciously want to take the “putting off’ decision?  Were you passionate about what you “put off” or it was just one of the many “things-to- do”? What was the impact of ‘putting off’ the action on your esteem, confidence, progress, finances, etc?

What kind of excuses did you   present to your seniors, peers or team? What was the impact on your relationships with others? What other “weird” things do you find yourself doing that are totally out of tune with the “informed You”? Those ones that you chide yourself saying- “I should have known better”!

Hold it there!

 This scenario could soon be HI! STORY having changed your story and written a new one; “MY STORY”. IN “MY STORY”   you are pursuing what you are passionate about. You have discovered what was hindering and even sabotaging your progress and squarely dealt with it.

While at it, you have designed a balanced work/life structure around your business/career, family, health, spirituality, education, public life etc. The procrastination bug is now history as you take pride in the many achieved goals and projects.

You clearly have your vision in sight and are enjoying every step of your journey……………….

 I did

In a most interesting way; Having worked in the  sales and marketing field for 20 years, I took a break and went back to class as an MBA student.

I was attending weekend classes and ended up in a lunch meeting that set the foundation to discovering what I wanted to do with my life- working with passionate entrepreneurs to work less, make more money and positively impact.

Back to our lunch, my friend runs a business and was seriously worried about losing a major customer. This “customer X” had introduced a competing product in the same outlets she was supplying!

What was worse is that the product was of lower quality and the outlets were manned by customer X staff who were obviously selling own products rather than my friends product!

Further probing nailed the issue. The customers could not differentiate “My friends” product from “Customer X” product...Reason….My friend believed that   her product had to be supplied in raw form and thus could not be packed and branded.

We agreed to test this hypothesis and to cut the story short, the branding worked and Customer X pulled their product off the shelf.

What about me? I discovered how much difference one strategy that seems so obvious given my professional background can make to an overwhelmed entrepreneur. And just how certain beliefs can hold us back from taking business/life changing decisions.....

This set me on a new journey and I am enjoying every step of the way.....

Please register me in "My Inside Out Lifestyle Design" Program. I am sending  an email to; subject “My Inside- out Lifestyle Design” to enroll

You can also write your “My story”

Join “ My Inside out Lifestyle Design” program  and
  • Take complete charge of your life and have total control of what happens in your life
  • Get rid of all that clatter in your mind that halts your progress
  • Take timely optimal decisions that lead to high performance in all areas of your life
  • Have more fulfilling relationships and ultimately more happiness!
  • Release the baggage you have been carrying all those years and possibly affecting your health
  • Discover the latent potential inside you that is just waiting to pop out
  •  Stop the procrastination game and recreate the business, career, health, family relationships finances, spiritual life you always dream of
  •  Stop making stories why you can’t

Please register me in "My Inside Out Lifestyle Design" Program. I am sending  an email to info@biasharacoach.comsubject “My Inside- out Lifestyle Design” to enroll

This program is designed for Passionate Entrepreneurs- go getters who are willing to put in as much effort as it takes to   re-design their lifestyles to the one they always dream of.

In this program, you will receive strategies on how to design your lifestyle from inside- out

We have made it simple easy to do through a step by step process in each lesson

You will be involved in adapting the strategies to your scenario through the various exercises within the lesson
You have no choice but to get to work as you will work on strategies based on the lessons learnt and share your queries via email with the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach every week for the six weeks 

You will not be alone as you strategise, implement, monitor, evaluate the strategies as you  get   support  from the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach

You will have access to a likeminded community of entrepreneurs in the members section where you meet, participate, learn, share experiences and motivate one another to higher performance. Who knows, you may even get new customers here!

Furthermore-you immediately join   The Passionate Entrepreneurs Mastermind email newsletter where you get bi weekly tips on business success

Learning is a lifelong process and as such Did I say that   you will get updates on any new strategies added to the program posted on the members section? I just Did!
....And we want results and as such, we will only admit limited number of students.

When you mean to work less, make more money and positively impact

Virginia Mburu
Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach

PS... Book early as only limited vacancies available
PSS...Live life…. Design it inside out

Please register me in "My Inside Out Lifestyle Design" Program. I am sending  an email to info@biasharacoach.comsubject “My Inside- out Lifestyle Design” to enroll

How to give the “big boys” a run for the customers

Your business may not be in the “big boys” league. They seriously intimidate you and hog all the best customers—You wish that you could attract just a small % of those high paying clients to your business!

They say you do not need to reinvent the wheel and   why not then copy what they are doing. Before you say “backfire”, you have ran out of budget, only a few customers show up and that bank loan is yet to be paid. Did I hear the auctioneers knocking?

Once bitten, twice shy and now you keep off banks and pray for customers to walk to your door. You offer superb service and this “hope marketing” also yields a few more customers who have been sent over by previous customers.

You are always anxious, wondering where the next customer will come from and the bills are piling. Now the stress is sending to the doctors where more money is needed………

You have come to a point where you think that marketing is complicated and confusing. In fact you are a technical person not a marketer. You are actually too busy producing the product or service to get time to market. In fact this marketing business is expensive!

What if you   cracked the code and now have a consistent stream of customers?

Your worry is now more of how to keep these customers satisfied as you are so aware that your best customer is your competitor’s best prospect.

You now have a profitable marketing system that provides you with all the customers you need. You are not there yet but you can see the light at the end of “big boys” league tunnel.

You are no longer spending a fortune on acquiring the customers as you have cut all waste and fat out of the marketing budget. In fact the cost of acquiring new customers is decreasing.

You have  a variety of  marketing channels at your disposal but knowing your key customers characteristics, you can easily select the  channel that will reach most of them.

And the best part- It does not have to cost an “arm and a leg”

Take this blog as an example. I am a customer to one web designer. Our relationship started some back when I wanted a logo designed.

As is the case nowadays, the internet is most likely to be the supplier discovery channel of choice.   I googled, got some providers and ultimately landed on Here I searched some more and added to my list.

 I asked for quotes and reduced my choices to three, did some further research via their websites and finally selected my current provider.

Now to the crux of the matter; How much did my provider pay to NOTHING!!! What other investments did the designer need to process the advert? CLOSE TO ZERO!!!! These classified adverts are posted free of cost other than a few minutes of your time and corresponding internet connectivity cost! 

How many other customers are being generated from this platform at AMOST ZERO COST and how much are they worth?

Please register me in "My Customer Multiplier Blueprint" Program. I am sending an email to; subject “My Customer Multiplier Blueprint” Program  to enroll

Are you still wondering how you can multiply your customers?

Join “My Customer Multiplier Blueprint” program and
  • Understand the foundation you need to get the most out of your marketing effort- note it is effort not budget
  • Learn of the multiplication strategies you have at your disposal at CLOSE TO ZERO budget
  • Learn how you can compete with the “big boys” on the same platforms at less cost 
  • Understand how you can leverage on the online /internet technology to acquire and maintain customer relationships
  • Understand how you can leverage on other businesses customer base including your competitors!

Please register me in "My Customer Multiplier Blueprint" Program. I am sending an email to info@biasharacoach.comsubject “My Customer Multiplier Blueprint” Program  to enroll

This program is designed for Passionate Entrepreneurs who want to profitably multiply their customers and consequently their incomes! 

In this program, you will receive strategies on how to multiply your customers at minimal costs!

  • We have made it super simple and easy through a step by step process in each lesson
  • You will be involved in adapting the strategies to your scenario through the various exercises within the lesson
  • You have no choice but to get to work as you will work on strategies based on the lessons learned and share your queries via email with the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach every week for the six weeks 
  • You will not be alone as you strategise, implement, monitor, evaluate the strategies as you get   support from the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach
  • You will have access to a like-minded community of entrepreneurs in the members section where you meet, participate, learn, share experiences and motivate one another to higher performance. Who knows, you may even get new customers here!
  • Furthermore you immediately join   The Passionate Entrepreneurs Mastermind email newsletter where you get bi weekly tips on business success
  • Learning is a lifelong process and as such Did I say that   you will get updates on any new strategies added to the program posted on the members section? I just Did!

 ..........And we want results, which means that only admit limited number of students will be admitted

When you mean to work less, make more money and positively impact

Virginia Mburu
The Work Less, Make more Money Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach

PS...Book your seat early as only limited vacancies available

PSS...You can also play in your industry’s “Big Boys” league without spending a fortune!

Please register me in "My Customer Multiplier Blueprint" Program. I am sending an email to info@biasharacoach.comsubject “My Customer Multiplier Blueprint” Program  to enroll

Are you starving your customer or yourself?

By Virginia Mburu

Stupid question given that you may not even know what they prefer on their menu. All the   same, let’s look at it again given that what you provide is part of their lifestyle menu;

Think of that restaurant you last visited and would comfortably give them “lousy service award of the year”. As is the case in that restaurant,  take any one of your favorite  customers and  walk in their shoes for a moment;  
  • How easy is it to buy from your business?
  • What experiences does that customer go through as he/she buys from you?
  • Does he/she feel like they are having some teeth pulled out?
  • How do you deliver that order?
  • Do you deliver on every promise you make?
  • Every time? On time? Within budget?
  • Do you care to find out what  your customer’s needs are now and how they are likely to change  in the near future?
  •  Are you are meeting those needs and any others that you can easily meet now? Are you planning how to meet the future needs?
  • Would you still claim you are not starving your customer?

What if you   served the right orders, in the right way, to the right customers on time?

Your customers love you and reward you by buying more of your products and services. They are telling their family, friends, colleagues about your irresistible service and influencing them to your favour.

You are certainly getting less returns which positively impact your costs and credibility.

Your company and brand positioning shifts to your favour as you are now famed  as  the most predictable and reliable supplier. This is now reflecting on your market share as you win more customers to your side of the ring.

You  now plan to replicate this model on   new customers and markets.......
Are you ready to serve?

Take action now.  Before you find yourself in a situation of one of my clients who was asked  a most revealing question by one customer( Lets call her Jane).

This client supplies cakes and customers visits the shop to place their orders. Jane used to buy cakes every family birthday, anniversary and other special occasions.  That year passed without placing any orders.

The following year, they  met  and  my  client asked how comes Jane  had not  been celebrating birthdays  as usual.   Jane’s response was, “Why should I be the one to remind you that you have customers? I am taking my money elsewhere.”

How many other customers felt “not supported’ in the buying process and hit back by taking their money to the competition.  Who was left starving?

As Jane rightly said, the customer holds the money and they can starve you – literally.

Please register me in "My Customer Lifetime Value Optimizer" Program. I am sending an email to or Tel/whatstapp 0771535052 ; subject “MY Customer Lifetime Value Optimizer” program to enroll

Join “ My  Customer Lifetime value Optimizer” program  and
  • Learn how to motivate the customer to  give you their money
  • Understand  how to position your business to be the only go to provider  for the products and services you offer
  • Know  how to create a “new’  customer from the “existing” one 
  • Know  how to unearth the other customer needs and how you can satisfy them
  • Get tips to build and maintain a profitable relationship with the customer
  • Learn  how to deal with a customer who no longer needs your products and services

Please register me in "My Customer Lifetime Value Optimizer" Program. I am sending an email to or Tel/whatstapp 0771535052  subject “MY Customer Lifetime Value Optimizer” program to enroll

This program is designed for Passionate Entrepreneurs who want to acquire and retain a customer who holds the money the entrepreneur needs to keep from starving! 

In this program, you will receive strategies on how to profitably acquire and retain a customer - for life perhaps!

  • We have made it simple and easy through a step by step process in each lesson
  • You will be involved in adapting the strategies to your scenario through the various exercises within the lesson
  • You have no choice but to get to work as you will work on strategies based on the lessons learnt and share your queries via email with the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach every week for the six weeks 
  • You will not be alone as you strategise, implement, monitor, evaluate the strategies as you get support from the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach
  • You will have access to a likeminded community of entrepreneurs in the members section where you meet, participate, learn, share experiences and motivate one another to higher performance. Who knows, you may even get new customers here!
  • Furthermore you immediately join   The Passionate Entrepreneurs Mastermind email newsletter where you get bi weekly tips on business success
  • Learning is a lifelong process and as such did I say that   you will get updates  on any new strategies added to  the  program posted on the members section? I just Did!
Now, you can choose the study mode  as under;

We want results and will only admit limited number of students.

When you mean to work less, make more money and positively impact

Virginia Mburu
Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach

PS...Book your seat early as only limited vacancies available

PSS...Stop Starvation! Serve your customers the right order, in the right way, every time, on time!

Please register me in "My Customer Lifetime Value Optimizer" Program. I am sending an email to or Tel/whatsapp 0717535052  subject “MY Customer Lifetime Value Optimizer” program to enroll

Is your poor productivity a product of your good genes?

No way! How can “good genes’ result in poor productivity?

Well hold your horses. You could only have invested in that business because you are GOOD in what you do. That is all well and good but let’s  look at the results- Do you dread that end month report or you are even scared of preparing one convincing yourself that what you don’t know does not hurt???

 Are you optimizing those good genes you are blessed with?  All of us have this or that weak areas? So, what are you doing about your weakness? Trying very hard to get them to the level of your strengths? How is it working? At what expense?

What about the good genes of your employees, family, friends, partners etc.? How well are you tapping into and optimizing their resourcefulness?

What about your input- output process and technology? Through your good genes are you ensuring that you are reaping maximum output from minimal inputs?

Look around you. Is the working environment as good as the good genes?

Now let’s get the good genes to work

You now look forward to making or receiving the end month/year report. Of course the results are nothing short of amazing!

 Your Income statement top line (sales) and bottom line (net profit) is above target.  The cash flow is just right. You have gained more customers at a lower cost than previous year.

You are producing more efficiently with lower costs to boot. Your employees are a happy lot as they are strategically deployed, more effective and better remunerated.

You have set systems in every aspect of your business such that at any breakdown is quickly recognized and corrected pronto!

OOOH the good genes at work………….

How you get to get the good genes to work it can be accidental at times!

Look at what happened to me. I had been working at developing some programs for quite some time. I kept doing and redoing them until one end of school term.

In my daughter’s school, we get a newsletter and it always has the most valuable information on parenting.  The article in this newsletter had a story of a mother and daughter who were having issues on academic performance and discipline.

Whereas, the girl was an intelligent girl and was performing well in kindergarten, her grades had dropped dramatically and she was constantly in conflict with her primary school teacher.

The mother was on the verge of giving up until she landed in the hands of an expert where she got to learn and understand that all of us have different learning styles which affect our productivity. Her daughters learning style was conflicting with the school system! 

As for me, I just had my “eureka moment”. Those who share my learning style have to search, fact find, analyse, reanalyze, research again etc. ending up in a situation rightly named “paralysis analysis”.

 That was an eye popping moment. Now I am wiser and have devised a system to circumvent the “paralysis analysis’’ ocean.

 The result--- this program will that assist you optimize your productivity in any sphere of your life

Please register me in "My Productivity Optimization Formula" Program. I am sending an email to; subject “MY Productivity Optimization Formula” program t0 enroll

So, what about doing away with “learning by accident’ and adopting “learning by design”

Join “My Productivity Optimization Formula” program and
  • Learn  how to position yourself  for optimum productivity
  • Learn  how to create a productive environment  that is conducive to getting work done
  • You will identify what kills your productivity and root it out of your productivity formula
  • Learn how to leverage on yourself and others for best results
  • Learn how to integrate productivity into your day, week, month, year, decade, lifetime etc.
  • Learn how to seamlessly and effortlessly use your good genes to deliver above and beyond  your targeted results 
This program is designed for Passionate Entrepreneurs who simply want MORE!  MORE!  And MUCH MORE! performance in the various aspects of their business and personal lives!

Please register me in "My Productivity Optimization Formula" Program. I am sending an email to; subject “MY Productivity Optimization Formula” program t0 enroll

In this program, you will receive strategies on how to prepare and work your good genes towards your best   performance 
  • We have made it simple and easy through a step by step process in each lesson
  • You will be involved in adapting the strategies to your scenario through the various exercises within the lesson
  • You have no choice but to get to work as you will work on strategies based on the lessons learned and share your queries via email with the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach every week for the six weeks 
  • You will not be alone as you strategise, implement, monitor, evaluate the strategies as you  get   support  from the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach
  • You will have access to a like-minded community of entrepreneurs in the members section where you meet, participate, learn, share experiences and motivate one another to higher performance. Who knows, you may even get new customers here!
  • Furthermore you immediately join   The Passionate Entrepreneurs Mastermind email newsletter where you get bi weekly tips on business success
  • Learning is a lifelong process and as such Did I say that   you will get updates on any new strategies added to the program posted on the members section? I just Did!
We want results and will only admit limited number of students.

When you mean to work less, make more money and positively impact

Virginia Mburu
Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach

PS   Book your seat early as only limited vacancies available

PSS   Do away with “learning by accident’  and adopt “learning by design”

Please register me in "My Productivity Optimization Formula" Program. I am sending an email to; subject “MY Productivity Optimization Formula” program t0 enroll