Friday, April 15, 2016

Could your goals set you up in “deep hot” soup?

Yes! You may be swimming  in some  “deep hot” soup right now. 

Courtesy of the goals you have set or the lack thereof.

Are  your set goals set too easy to achieve landing you in the deep hot boredom soup?  

Or you have no goal posts and as such you are in some  deep stagnation  soup?

Have you set the timing too short  and now you find yourself in deep hot frustration soup?

Could you actually be in a deep pit dark  soup like the   biblical Joseph for sharing your goals with the so called “haters”?

 Or are you in the deep hot disappointment soup as  the SMART  goals you set  collect dust in some filing cabinet?

By the way, have you tried to get out of one hot soup  only to find yourself in another hotter soup?

This situation is likely to change soooooooon
You could very well be on the way to setting and achieving the goals you have always dreamt of.  You are now setting firm goals in every sphere of life such as business/career, family, health, spirituality, education, public life etc.

Your business is flourishing and the money is flowing. Your are now the rising star in your industry. You can now afford to finance and take that vacation in that dream destination. What about the blossoming relationships to boot!

What about the new spring in your steps, the new confidence in your gait and the envious friends who wish to be in your shoes!

You are now  swimming in deep celebration soup as you celebrate one victory after another.

 Yes You CAN!
And it may  a simple strategy in goals setting as one of my customers applied after one of our sessions. So simple yet the simplicity is what was stopping her from imagining the results that can be derived.

 The question I raised was how the employees knew as to whether they were performing or not. The silence that followed was telling. There were no performance measures! But this entrepreneur expected them to perform and even created a fuss when the results were not as she expected!

Cutting the long story short, when I met her some time later, targets and rewards had been agreed on and to quote her, “ At times I overhear them discussing how far they are from or above target and the  action plans to get to there”.

Her result…. Less supervision, less stress, definitely more money and what of the spiral effect this new behavior has on other aspects of the employees’ lifestyles?

Please  register me in "My Goal Setting and Achievement System". I am sending  an email to  with the subject  “MY Goal setting and Achievement System” to enroll

You can also   exchange the  “deep hot sop” with  the “deep celebration soup”

Join “ My Goal Setting & Achievement System” program  and
  • Learn which goals  give you maximum return on investment  in your  business,  health, family relationships finances, spiritual life etc
  • Clear all saboteurs that keep  popping up  once you  have mastered all the “will” to climb that mountain(goal)
  • Learn how to still that small voice that plays around your mind (It is infact telling you  right now how  impossible this is)
  • Learn how to incorporate  the right motivators  in your  goal path to keep you on track
  • Learn how to seamlessly and effortlessly move from “ ant hill’  goals to  “mountain” goals 

Please  register me in "My Goal Setting and Achievement System". I am sending  an email to  with the subject  “MY Goal setting and Achievement System” to enroll

This program  is designed for Passionate Entrepreneurs  who   are tired of playing small and  want to  play in a higher league and get recognition as they get more of their personal and business goals  achieved

In this program, you will receive strategies on how to set goals and what will motivate you to achieve them. There is more to it than just setting them SMART

  • We have made it simple and easy through a step by step process in each lesson
  • You will be involved in adapting the strategies to your scenario through the various exercises within the lesson
  • You have no choice but to get to work as you will work on strategies based on the lessons learned and share your queries via email with the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach every week for the six week learning period 
  • You will not be alone as  you  strategise, implement, monitor, evaluate the strategies as you  get  on-line support through Passionate Entrepreneurs mastermind facebook group  
  • You will have access to a like-minded community of entrepreneurs in the members section where you meet, participate, learn, share experiences and motivate one another to higher performance. Who knows, you may even get new customers here!
  • Furthermore you immediately join   The Passionate Entrepreneurs  Mastermind email newsletter where you get bi weekly  tips on business success
  • Learning is a lifelong process and as such Did I say that   you will get  updates  on any new strategies added to  the  program posted on the members section? I just Did!

.........And, we  want results and as such only a few  students will be admitted..

Choose your mode of study;

When you mean to work less, make more money and positively impact

Virginia Mburu
Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach

PS  Book early as only limited vacancies available

PSS Get yourself out of the “deep hot soup” to the “deep celebration soup”

 Please  register me in "My Goal Setting and Achievement System". I am sending  an email to  with the subject  “MY Goal setting and Achievement System” to enroll

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