By Virginia Mburu
Something that blocks you so that movement,
going forward or action are prevented or made more difficult…
Who would want something that makes
progress more difficult? However though obstacles make target achievement
challenging, the process becomes more thrilling and motivating. We will now
look into how we can manage obstacles by taking some lessons from one short,
wealthy, chief tax collector Zacchaeus found in Luke 19: 1-10.
1….Your target must be crystal clear
Zacchaeus’ goal was outlined in -
Luke 18:3; ‘He wanted to see who Jesus was,
but being a short man he could not, because of the crowd’.
Jesus’ popularity must have preceded his visit
to this town of Jericho—His radical preaching, the innumerable miracles, the
frequent run-ins with the Chief Priests, Pharisees, Sadducees, etc. More so for
Zacchaeus- that he could accommodate the tax collectors and sinners.
He had even
recruited a tax collector (Matthew) to be one of his 12 disciples! So, Is your target clearly as spelt out as that
one of Zacchaeus?
Please note that the goal statement included the obstacles he faced. " I Zacchaeus- the short get to see Jesus Today".
Please note that the goal statement included the obstacles he faced. " I Zacchaeus- the short get to see Jesus Today".
Step 2….Adjust priorities
This is
especially so if this happens to be one of those impromptu targets arising from
an impromptu visit by Jesus in Jericho. Take time to adjust priorities.
Zacchaeus must have moved some of his tax collection appointments from the
day’s schedule!
Step 3…..Get a tight grasp on your emotions
Stop seeing the obstacle from the eyes
of a vertically challenged, wealthy, chief tax collector who was resented by
fellow Jews. Analyse the obstacle from a logical perspective. No blame game, No
search for sympathy votes… Be Zacchaeus -focus on end result rather than
Step 4.….Map
your way to the target but be flexible to allow for changes from lessons
learned on the way
solution exists? Adopt the
attitude that every problem has a solution. We usually talk about going round
an obstacle. What about going over or under it or even climbing it like
Thoroughly assess the obstacle, have a mindset that every obstacle
is surmountable and your good brains will furnish you with unexpected
alternatives. Be creative and persistent in your solution search. Think
differently, question assumptions, norms, generalizations etc. How would other
people view the obstacle?
It would not be surprising if Zacchaeus borrowed the
‘climbing’ tip from some young boys around. What about seeking help from mentors, coaches
or experts to assist you craft the solution?
While at it, desist from blame game or search for sympathy votes which
make us operate from a point of weakness and unable to control our fate
and destiny. Imagine Zacchaeus going like “Woiyee you guys, can’t you allow the bilikimos (short people) to take
the front row?”
Let’s take full responsibility over the obstacle even as we
invite assistance.
crafted a solution that was sure to attract Jesus’s attention. He defined where
(he must have enquired to know the route Jesus was to take), which tree to
climb to improve his height (Sycamore fig tree which was high above the crowd
but low enough for him to be seen).
He must also have picked on the right time
to run ahead of the crowd and climb the tree. What if you had a brainstorming
session and wrote out all possible solutions until you have a winning formula?
Step 5..…Expect and identify obstacles in
your journey
If you averse to obstacles, then you better
take note of this quote from Frank A. Clark- “If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t
lead anywhere”. And as mentioned above, you may decide to mention them in the goal statement.
A. Personal Obstacles
Physical attributes, thought patters,
habits, behaviours, career, knowledge, skills etc. For
Zacchaeus, his height and being an agent of the oppressor (Roman Authorities)
were major obstacles. He must have been viewed as a sellout and ostracized.
was an open secret that the tax collectors enriched themselves by collecting
more taxes than demanded by the Roman Authorities. No wonder when Jesus decided
to visit the home of Zacchaeus, the people “began to grumble, saying, ‘He has
gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner’” (Luke 19:7)
B. Financial obstacles—Lack of or too much
Whereas most people face the former, Zacchaeus fell
victim to the latter -the wealth that was acquired through dubious means.
Are too many of you reaching for the same target
necessitating that you run ahead of the crowd like Zacchaeus? How do people perceive you? Do they resent
you like they did Zacchaeus? Are people discouraging you?
You may find
out that like Zacchaeus, people around you or the culture you operate in is not
conducive, is out-rightly sabotaging you, or the people are simply not capable
of assisting you get over the obstacle.
You may need to build better or new relationships.
Correctly diagnose the scenario and effectively communicate what you want, how
you want it done and expected result while ensuring they also achieve the other
party’s desires in the process.
Along the way, you may come across unexpected
conditions, occurrences and circumstances that are beyond your control. For
Zacchaeus, the crowds were huge. Do some scenario planning in advance and set
up action plans which can be adjusted as you move along.
6…..Set and stick to deadlines
Zacchaeus could have opted to wait for
next time but then would he have seen Jesus again? Not on earth as Jesus was on
his way to Jerusalem where he was soon
crucified. This would have resulted in
another unrealised personal target…
And by the way, why would you be missing
your own deadlines unless you are busy assisting other people achieve theirs?
Mind you, you might end up with a dangerous procrastination habit in your
success journey. Not good, right?
7…..Marshal the necessary support or resources
What do you have and what’s missing? Zacchaeus could
not rely on the support of the crowd. They detested him anyway but having criss-crossed
this town many times, he knew a certain tree that would do the trick.
So- Passionate Entrepreneur, what are the necessary
tools, strategies, knowledge and the support we need to help us overcome
obstacle successfully? Keep an open mind…..even to a sycamore-fig
8…..Execute your plan-Fast…
out for Henry Ford’s quote that "You can't build a reputation on what you
are going to do. " Wealthy
Zacchaeus took this to heart and quickly gathered his robes and raced
down the street ahead of the crowds and
climbed the sycamore fig tree. Remember Jesus was passing through on his way to
Jerusalem and time was of essence.
9…..When one obstacle is resolved, another one comes knocking
got more than he bargained for…. Not only did he attract Jesus’s attention but
Jesus invited himself to Zacchaeus home! Luke tells us in Luke
19:5 “When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name.
“Zacchaeus!” he said. “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.”
Next was a spiritual obstacle –his sin LUKE 19:7 says that
“All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a 'sinner.'"
He was known to be unjust in his tax collection and now was time to change his modus operandi which he quickly did in Luke 19:8 “Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!”
Step 10…..It pays to assist
others achieve their goals and gain a double victory
climbed a sycamore tree because he was seeking Jesus whereas Jesus was seeking to save the lost. Both
Jesus and Zacchaeus reached their goals. Can your solution assist the other
person achieve their objectives as well?
11…..Don’t Quit
When the going gets really tough, you may want
to take the advice of this unknown author who says that “Difficult things take a long time, impossible things a little longer”.
What would have seemed impossible did
happen to Sinner Zacchaeus and
other Jews for in Verse 9, “Jesus Said to him “Today Salvation has
come to this house….”
Over to you Passionate Entrepreneur;
- Which obstacles have you faced in your progress journey
- How have you overcome these obstacles?
your experiences, suggestions or questions in the comments section below. Who
knows- We might as well share a joint
Whatever you do, make sure it results in less
work, more money and positive impact.
Virginia Mburu
Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach
Virginia empowers and motivates
Passionate Entrepreneurs to realize their purpose and pursue it. She then
assists the entrepreneurs to clarify, prioritise and focus on management and
marketing strategies and action plans that will get them to work less, make
more money and positively impact within one year. Download some of her gifts- absolutely free lessons on